Powerful and easy ticketing
Real ticket logging with bold features.

Intuitive Commands
Commands that enable and make support easy and fun.
-ticket [Reason]
Creates a channel between your staff and your client.
-rename [New Name]
Changes the channel name of the current ticket.
-remove [@user]
Removes a user from the current ticket.
-add [@user]
Adds a user to the current ticket.
Displays a list of features and commands that help provide optimal support.
Closes the current ticket with closed confirm or Ticket Tags.
-close {reason}
Ability to close a ticket with a reason. Works with a variable {reason}
Shadow closes the current ticket removing all users but staff members, and sends an embed allowing closure or transcript.
Retrieves a website link that is publically accessible for the current ticket to provide a transcript to the user.
-status [New Status]
Changes the category of the current ticket.
Allows you or a staff member to claim a ticket.
Allows you or a staff member to unclaim a ticket.
See staff stats within a simple to use embed.
Enable and disable Embeds with the enter of a command.
-close [m/h/d]
Closes the ticket based on a time parameter — month, hour, and day formatting.
Premium and Supreme Only View Pricing
Support your clients 1-1, with our unique translation features. Speak to your client in their native language!
Premium and Supreme Only View Pricing
Change the reason for the ticket after user creation.
Premium and Supreme Only View Pricing
Enable and Disable the ticket embeds with a command. (-embed enable/disable (optional @tag channel) )
Premium and Supreme Only View Pricing
Customize every setting
Completely customizable to your exact preferences.
Customizations and features included with every plan Get started — for free
Three support roles
Average Response Time Variable
Global Message Variables {tagusername} etc
Change the bot prefix
The prefix defaults to a dash -command, but you can change it to any character.
Change some messages
Multiple TicketTag Departments
Change the command variables
Respond to tickets through panel
Complete ticket logging
View all open and closed tickets in one central place — all on the Helper.gg panel.
Customize auto delete
Customize permissions
Limit ticket creation channel
Select the channels a ticket a can be created in.
Unlimited staff sub-accounts
Staff sub-account permissions
Ticket Tags
Toggle closed confirm
Choose @role pinged when a ticket is created
One role can be selected to be pinged when a ticket is created.
Ability to change what message is sent per TicketTag
Change Discord support roles (e.g., ticket-support, ticket-manage)
Creator Ticket Name in Ticket
Customizations and features in the Premium plan View Pricing
5 Ticket-Tag Embeds
Twenty support roles
Ticket closure on user leave
Closure on no message after X period of time.
Removes embed branding
The Helper.gg branding before being removed.
Ticket translation with -translate
HTML & JSON transcript sent via email (set on panel)
HTML & JSON transcript sent into a channel (set on panel)
HTML & JSON transcript sent to creators (in a DM)
Timed close with -close [m/h/d]
Confirmation of the closed ticket at the time selected.
Change all messages
Every message can be updated on the Helper.gg panel.
Change all variables
Every variable can be updated on the Helper.gg panel.
Additional text on ticket creation
Change embed color
Disable author self-closing ticket
Image in TicketTags (ticket reaction create embed)
Discord Premium Role in the Helper.gg server
Change auto-delete time frame
Disable the ability for messages to prevent a timed close to execute
Change the default reason for the ticket message
Set the ticket naming convention
The default naming convention is ticket-. You can update it to whatever you would like.
Change ticket creation limit
Transcript location per ticket tag
Go fully custom with the Supreme plan View Pricing
Custom bot username
Custom bot icon
Custom bot application
Change playing status for your bot
Update the status of your bot to any message.
Rolling Bot Status's
Update the status of your bot to any message.
Customise Embed Title, Footer Icon, Footer Test per Message
Update the status of your bot to any message.
Completely custom transcript panel url for your users
Configure the bot your way, and even panel your way.